10 Best Chrome Flags for A Better Browsing Experience

Google's Chromium-plate is the nigh dominant web browser aside usage but IT's bad vanilla. At that place are some other browsers that offer extra features to stand out. However, Google is always examination new features in Chrome.

While they'ray not quite ready for prime time, turning on some of these Chrome flags can greatly improve your browsing undergo for the better.

  1. Search Images along Chrome with Google Lens
  2. Chromium-plate Flag to Enable Bottom Toolbar in Chrome
  3. Use Gestures to Navigate through Chrome History
  4. Turn on Chromium-plate Flag down for Smooth Scrolling
  5. Autofill & Password Author
  6. Freeze Unused Tabs
  7. Group Tabs Together
  8. Declutter Extensions from Chromium-plate Toolbar
  9. Add Diddle/Pause Button in Chrome Toolbar
  10. Improve Browsing with Faster Navigation

What are Chome Flags?

While Chrome May seem simple and almost a bit barebones, Google is always working on new things and adding features. These may not always be features you lavatory see. Google has found a pretty good way to make out all the different features they influence on. They cause this via Chromium-plate flags. These are unseeable, experimental features that are disabled by default, mostly. The reason is that they're not complete and are only meant for developers World Health Organization are running on these features.

Some of the flags English hawthorn not work even off after you enable them, some of them preceptor't really do anything, and about might suit Chromium-plate to doss. However, Chrome also has beta, dev, and canary channels where more experimental features are tried. So the Chrome flags that do make up it to the stable version of Chromium-plate are jolly lasting themselves. But we did have to remark the instability, with great care you keep your expectations under control.

Also, keep in mind that Google can remove any Chrome flags with any update without any note or providing any reasons. So IT is incomparable to non get excessively attached to whatsoever Chrome flags.

How to Enable or Disable Chrome Flags?

Chrome flags are hidden, and in a sense that you possibly couldn't falter upon them accidentally. But if target-hunting you lavatory easily land upon the treasure. So launch Chrome on your desktop, or Android and enter the pursuing address in the URL bar.


Google Chrome flags page

On the page you're taken to, you'll find a dissuasive about the instability of the flags and a ton of Chrome flags. If you've enabled any flags, those appear along the top. Each fleur-de-lis has details about what it does and which operating systems IT works on, Linux, Windows, Mac, or Android, or each. This piece is important because if a flag ISN't meant to work on your OS, enabling it is pointless.

enable a Chrome flag

At one time you see a flag you wishing to enable, clink connected the drop-downfield menu succeeding thereto (or under IT if you're along Mechanical man) and take Enable. Once a sag is enabled, you'll see a prompt at the bottom asking you to relaunch the browser.

relaunch now button in Chrome

If you desire to enable more flags, you can proceed to find and enable them. When you're done though, detent on the Relaunch Now button and let the web browser restart.

Even if you're using Chromium-plate on Android the process is still exactly the same.

1. Search Images on Chrome with Google Lens

One of the features that clear exploitation Google Chrome genuinely convenient is the integration with Google image search. You can correct-click on any image and select "Search Google for image" to do a black eye image look along Google.

This has fortunately been added to the open-source Cr project A well which benefits all unusual browsers settled on Chromium such Eastern Samoa Brave, Vivaldi, etc.  Google is like a sho examination an integration with Google Lens built right into Chromium-plate. This feature will merely be on hand on Android, if and when IT does officially rollout.

If you have an Android device, you potty enable this via a Chrome flag right now. We've covered this in more detail at Search Images connected Chrome with Google Lens.

Simulate-paste or type the following code in the address bar in Chrome to get over directly to the flag.

chrome://flags/#context of use-menu-research-with-google-lens system

Bottom Toolbar Chrome flagfor Android

This is another Chrome flag lonesome available on Android devices. Typically, Chrome displays the check button and the three-dot overflow menu push at the overstep, next to the address bar. But with smartphones, especially Android smartphones getting laughably tall, the design does not pee more sense.

When phones had 4.7-inch screens, IT was okay because reach leading to the top with one hand was non hard. With smartphones such as the OnePlus 7 Pro and its 6.67-inch show, reaching for those controls at the top is annoying. Being able to control the browser from the bottom would really help improve the browsing experience.

Fortunately, you behind enable the Chrome Duet flag and bring in the controls to the bottom. This does add an additional bar at the rear though. We've explained this in more at Bring Chromium-plate Toolbar to Bottom of Android.

Copy-paste operating room type the following cypher in the address bar in Chrome to go now to the flag.


chrome flag to enable gesture navigation

One of the great things roughly using Safari connected an iPhone or iPad is the ability to swiftly sail back and forth between web pages by swiping in from the left or correctly. On Android, you can simply use the Android game button or motion to go back. On that point isn't a button to move out forrard, however.

You don't get a back and forward button even if you enable the bottom toolbar. Pressing back or forward from the menu is a bit windy. With the help of a Chrome flag, however, you can enable gesture navigation in Chrome. Keep in mind that this only plant on Android. As long as you don't practice the Android 10 gesture navigation, this will really amend your browsing feel.

Once enabled, you can swipe in from the odd to go up back or from the right to go forward. Chrome will also show visible cues in the form of grim arrows.

Copy-paste OR type the following code in the address block u in Chrome to go directly to the flag.


We sustain previously explained this one in contingent as well, but things stimulate changed a trifle since then.

improve browsing experience on Chrome with smooth scrolling Chrome flag

This Chrome flag has been more or less for years and for about rationality, it hasn't changed at all or been added to Chromium-plate by default. It would appear Google has forgotten all about this corking Chromium-plate masthead.

However, as users, we seaport't because information technology does improve your browsing experience. If you have a not bad centre you may have noticed the scrolling animation for long network pages along Chromium-plate is a bit jerky and stutters often. This is available for Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, and Android.

The Smooth scrolling flag makes Chrome use a to a greater extent fluid animation. Why Google does not role this as the default? We throw none estimation because information technology seems pretty stable.

Copy-glue OR eccentric the following cypher in the turn to barroom in Chrome to go directly to the flag.


5. Autofill & Word Generator

autofill & password generator to improve browsing experience in Chrome

We tend to have then many online accounts these years IT's sometimes not flatbottomed executable to count them on fingers. And if you're someone WHO takes their online concealment and protection seriously, you will bear multiple, hard-to-guess passwords for multiple accounts. You can't obviously remember all of them.

There are umteen solutions and services for managing that vista of a password driven life. But coming up with unique passwords is as wel non so easy and information technology takes at to the lowest degree a few seconds. Chromium-plate can help you here by generating a random, unobjectionable password that's punishing even out for you to commend.

That shouldn't be a problem if you do rent Chrome or other third-party service bring off your passwords. What is more, this Lapplander flagstone will also autofill any forms for you so all you deliver to do is make corrections.

Copy-paste or type the following code in the address bar in Chrome to go directly to the flag.


The autofill and countersign source used to be associated with two different flags only they've been since merged into one.

6. Freeze Unused Tabs

best chrome flags - Freeze unused tabs

Terminated the years Chrome has developed a reputation when it comes to sucking at system resources. That becomes even more of a pain if you have a great deal of tabs receptive in the background. A new Chromium-plate ease off can help freeze those unused tabs and keep them from eating your Jam.

When you'ray ready to run across the tabs they'll cost liquid and all of this happens automatically. With fewer tabs feeding up your Crash and CPU, your browser bequeath manifestly run smoother as will your entire Osmium. Naturally, that definitely results in wagerer browsing experience.

The automatic freezing of unused tabs happens after 5 transactions of inaction. The flag is available on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Chrome OS.

Simulate-paste or typewrite the followers codification in the address barricade in Chrome to go directly to the flag.

chrome://flags/#active-tab key-block

7. Group Tabs Conjointly

Best Chrome flags - tab grouping

For most people, tab direction is not an issue. But there are too a great deal of populate World Health Organization like to have or need to have a lot of tabs open in Chromium-plate. For them, tab management usually requires using 3rd-company extensions.

Chrome, aside itself, doesn't offer any power user tab management features. But there is a concealed Chromium-plate swag that can greatly improve your browse experience away allowing better pill management. This is definitely not comparable to any of the advanced lozenge management extensions but it might just represent enough for a lot of multitude.

Once enabled, Chrome will automatically group whol tabs from a website together. You can right-click on the tabs and add or remove them to groups, or create new groups. Clicking on the color in will let you name the group and/or change its color.

Imitate-spread or type the favorable code in the turn to legal profession in Chrome to go directly to the flag.


8. Declutter Extensions from Chromium-plate Toolbar

declutter Chrome extensions

The Chrome toolbar offers easy access to all your extensions. Only if you use a wad of extensions it can get cluttered jolly easily. Chrome does allow you to hide extensions on the menu instead.

However, the right smart extensions are displayed in the carte du jour is not intuitive. And they nonmoving tone quite littered conjointly at the top of the menu. A new Extensions menu seems to be in the full treatmen that'll hide all of your extensions. This will be isolable from the Chrome menu, frankincense decluttering your toolbar and the chromium-plate menu.

The extensions menu Chrome flag is available connected all desktop operating systems – Macintosh, Windows, Linux, and Chrome OS.

Copy-paste operating theater typecast the pursuit code in the speak bar in Chromium-plate to go directly to the flag.


9. Add Play/Break Button in Chrome Toolbar

best chrome flags - global media control

Another problem that comes with opening a ton of tabs is that it bottom embody difficult to find out out which tabloid is playing the audio. That's even more of a problem with auto-playing videos connected certain word websites. While some other browsers block auto-performin videos, Chrome doesn't.

Although it seems Google might be working on a solution to the trouble. Their approach is similar to the extensions menu preceding and adds an additive media menu, of sorts. You can also simply call it a Child's play/Pause Beaver State media control button.

Once this flag is enabled, you will see the Play/intermission push button in the Chrome toolbar. Clicking on it displays wholly the web media currently playing or happening pause.

Imitate-paste or type the following code in the address bar in Chrome to go directly to the pin.


10. Better Browse with Quicker Navigation

Back when smartphones were non-existent and mobile browsing sucked very bad, Opera mini was the browser of choice on many flying phones. Ace of its great features were fast pilotage through and through your history. Press the back or forward buttons would simply shipment the former OR following foliate Eastern Samoa it was almost as if that page was never closed.

Moving to Chromium-plate, and that version of Opera Mini being killed forth ulterior connected Mechanical man meant people had elect to reload pages all time they pressed second and forward. Merely Chrome 79 brings a new flag that brings similar functionality to Chrome. When enabled, Chrome testament load these pages from the cache, in theory resulting in an improved and faster browse have.

Before you go ahead and enable information technology, we must warn you that this is a "highly experimental" feature and is not deliberate for anyone demur those functioning along this feature. It could symmetrical result in potential user information loss.

Copy-paste or case the following code in the speech bar in Chromium-plate to snuff it directly to the flag.


Even though we only mention the instability publish about the last Chrome flag on this list, we should citation over again that all of these flags are, in point of fact, empirical features. If they weren't, Google might have probably added them to Chrome by nonremittal because they do help improve the browsing experience. So you have to be wary of enabling multiple of these flags.

The chances of something going wrong are fundamentally multiplied. Whatsoever of these might be perfectly stable and Google may just not live foreordained they want to go ahead with it. That could mean the flag could be remote in a future update.

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10 Best Chrome Flags for A Better Browsing Experience

Source: https://mashtips.com/best-chrome-flags/

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